Tuesday, November 29, 2011

An Easy DIY Firepit..

With the cooler weather here, it is the perfect weather to enjoy a nice outdoor fire. For many, a cozy firepit is the ideal solution. Follow the steps below to add a great surround to a purchased or existing firepit! (The first 4 steps can be found at the following link http://www.lowescreativeideas.com/)

  1. Find the right location, away from trees and building. Make sure the spot is level.
  2. Place the screen on the ground to use as a guide to laying the blocks for the surround. (Lowe's recommends using OldCastle blocks.) *If you have a built in firepit or one that runs on natural gas, make sure you turn off the gas first!! If this is the case, you likely won't be able to move your firepit, check the height first to ensure that the blocks will work with your firepit.
  3. Stack the blocks and make 3 layers (or more to ensure the appropriate height for your firepit).
  4. Place your firepit into the ground.
  5. If you have a Natural Gas firepit, for added sparkle, try using glass mulch, in your firepit.
For information on glass mulch in Tulsa, visit www.gardenglassofoklahoma.com

For information on buying and selling your Tulsa area home, visit www.homeguidetulsa.com.

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