Friday, November 30, 2007
Turkeys for Tulsans
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Forest Park South Approves New Masonry Fence
Monday, November 12, 2007
Networking with Jazz
(A Holiday Social Event for All Tulsa Area Businesses & Networking Groups)
December 13th from 6-8pm
The Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame (5 South Boston)
Featuring: The Tulsa All-Star Jazz Ensemble
Catered By: TW’s AFAB Catering
Attire: Cocktail
$20 per person in advance, $30 at the door
Admission Includes:
· Jazz Concert
· Hors D’Oeuvres
· 2 Drink Coupons
RSVPs and prepayment due by Dec.1st
(Tickets will be mailed upon receipt of payment.)
Please send payment to:
Sarah Goss
PO Box 50565
Tulsa, OK 74150
Make checks payable to: Tulsa Business Network
Feel Free to Spread the Word!!
Would your group or company like to sponsor the “Networking with Jazz” event?
Would you like to contribute a gift for Door Prizes?
If so, please call Sarah Goss at 760-0687 send a donation to the above address.
This event was organized by Contract Clerical and the Tulsa Business Network, a local networking group.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
“Networking with Jazz”
December 13th from 6-8pm
The Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame (5 South Boston)
Featuring: The Tulsa All-Star Jazz Ensemble
Catered By: TW’s AFAB Catering
Attire: Cocktail
$20 per person in advance, $30 at the door
Admission Includes:
· Jazz Concert
· Hors D’Oeuvres
· 2 Drink Coupons
RSVPs and prepayment due by Dec.1st
(Tickets will be mailed upon receipt of payment.)
Please send payment to:
Sarah Goss
PO Box 50565
Tulsa, OK 74150
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Business After Hours
5:00 - 7:30 pm
Expo Square Pavilion
Fairgrounds - 21st & Yale
Shop 55 exhibitors and network with more than 600
attendees... so join us
where the best connect on The Circuit.
Cost is $5 per member
Who says work isn’t fun? Do business after hours and network with more than 600 attendees. Invite customers, co-workers or friends and enjoy great food in a fun atmosphere.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Half Mast
The following Executive Order Flag Alert was just received from Governor Henry's office.
While the Executive Order is specific to all American and State flags on State property,
you may also wish to honor on your private property.
Governor Henry has directed that all American and State Flags on state property be flown at half-staff from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 19 to honor Staff Sargeant Lillian Clamens, an Oklahoma resident, who died on Wednesday, October 10 at age 35 while serving in Iraq.
To view the complete Executive Order, visit
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Free Financial Seminar -- This Saturday
The Perfect Storm is a seminar hosted by Beams of Light Family Church. It is free of charge and open to the public. The seminar will host a panel of expert speakers on the topics of economics, real estate, and the oil industry.
Each attendee will receive a free CD jam packed with important financial information and will also receive a coupon for a free one-hour financial consultation to get their finances in order. No products will be for sale and nothing is required from the attendees. This seminar is simply an outreach to inform individuals individuals and families of important financial trends that affect them.
Jenks Union Rivalry Film

The documentary film, King of the Mountain-A rivalry in the heartland, focuses on what USA Today calls the greatest high school football rivalry in the nation. On the South side of Tulsa, the communities of Jenks and Union have cultivated, from their youth leagues up, powerhouse programs that rival the best in the nation. King of the Mountain brings to life, in a behind the scenes look, what makes this rivalry so intriguing. These communities have competed, fiercely, on the national level for over a decade and yet they manage to keep a sense of friendship and even brotherhood. Watch as two men of faith, Coaches Allan Tremble and Bill Blankenship, lead their programs through the trials and hardships of a season. With the predominate themes of community, faith under pressure and a redemptive response to hardship, this film will not only provide action-packed entertainment but a wholesome message as well.
King of the Mountain-A Rivalry in the Heartland
Premieres Thursday October 25th through 28th
At Jenks RiverWalk Theaters and the Dickinson Starworld Theaters
Tickets available only at
Seats limited so pre-order!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Mother Nature Visits Tulsa Fair

Vote Yes Vote No
How will you vote on the upcoming River Tax issue? Have you decided yet? If you're just watching the TV commercials it's hard to get what you need to make an informed decision. Just the facts, that's what you need, but where do you get them?
Last weekend Terry Simonson - Chief Deputy to the County Commissioner, and Ken Yazel - Tulsa County Tax Commissioner were featured as guests on "The Future of Real Estate" with Darryl Baskin, heard on Talk Radio 1170 KFAQ. Simonson represented the Vote Yes Group and Yazel the Vote No Group. Here you can hear both sides present a clear, non nonsense, easy to understand explanation of the issues and facts regarding the River Tax Vote October 9th.
Listen to the entire show on Go to Baskin Radio Show Page and click on KFAQ Podcast. Hear both sides of the Vote Yes / Vote No for the Tulsa River Tax from two qualified Tulsa City / County Officials. Then you can make up your mind for yourself.
The Future of Real Estate with Darryl Baskin can be heard on Talk Radio 1170 KFAQ every Saturday 7 - 8am and on News Talk 740 KFMG 12:30 - 1:00 pm; Tulsa's source for local real estate news and information.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Nightmare Time Again
The Nightmare runs thru the month of October every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night, plus the nights of the 29th, 30th and 31st. The cost of admission is $8.00, but discount tickets are available. Go to for more information. Due to the graphic nature of this presentation, no on under 12 years of age is admitted.
Pastor Bill Sheer of Guts Church in Tulsa OK will be a featured guest on Darryl Baskin's "The Future of Real Estate" TV show. You can catch Darryl Baskin and Pastor Bill on Channel 47 (Cable Channel 7) KWHB, the October 6th and 13th edition of "the Future of Real Estate".
After the airing, you can find a link to the video at and click on Baskin TV Show.
Photo courtsey of
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Hands Across the River
96th street pedestrian bridge
Free tshirts to the first 350 people to arrive.
Join citizens of Tulsa and show support for the Arkansas River development this Saturday, September 29 at 9:30 am. This event will rally momentum for the river vote on October 9. Bring neighbors, friends and family to the 96th street pedestrian bridge. Parking is available at the RiverWalk center parking lot.
This river project is meant to unite the surrounding cities and develop a better quality of life for our families who depend on us for their future in Tulsa.
Mark your calendars for September 29 at 9:30 AM. Reply to Marnie Ducato at with the number of attendees. We look forward to seeing you come out in support of our river
Monday, September 17, 2007
We strive to provide the opportunities necessary to help these children and their families flourish in every area of their lives. Happy Hands is funded by private donations and community fundraising projects. We invite you to enjoy OK Kids Day 2007.
Hunt Spinal Care and Grace Church are hosting this event Saturday September 22, 2007 on the grounds of Grace Church at 9610 S. Garnett Rd. Noon to 3 p.m. rain or shine!
It is a free event with spinal, dental and hearing screenings, face painting, balloons, carousel rides, jupiter jump, food, children's i.d. kits, prizes, a national guard helicopter and much more.
The event benefits Happy Hands. Let's have a fantastic turnout!
please check out
Jan Pride,Program Director janpride@yahoo.comHappy Hands Education Center 5717 East 32nd Street Tulsa, OK 74135 (v/tdd)918-665-1200 (fax) 918-669-9030
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
One Mans Trash Is Another Mans Treasured Home
Built in 1939 just on the out skirts of what was then the city limits was the city’s trash incinerator. For about $50,000 the building was constructed with 6" and 17” brick walls and if examined it would unveil bricks stamps from factories all over North America and Mexico. As the city grew to new size, the city limits were reestablished. Ordinances prohibiting trash disposal within the city limits was cause for the incinerator to be relocated. The abandoned structure remained filled with ashes for years.
While scouting for a separate project, renowned wood turner, Ron Fleming discovered the building. Much in the same way Pablo Picasso famously transformed bike handles into horns for his work The Bull, the native Oklahoman’s vision of a smoke stacked spiraled into a four-story lookout tower. Literally digging into this passion, shovel by shovel, Ron and his family reinvented a city’s forgotten incinerator into a conceptual piece of art.
Designed for a private home and studio workshop for him and wife Carolyn the house is as unique and personal as their artwork. Just behind the two, 8’ hand carved arched walnut doors that stand salute at entrance is a two-story atrium, which is the focal point of the house. Meandering walls showcasing works of art lead you through the distinctive floor plan and open to an east sunroom and observation deck. Gardens abundant with wildlife make good use of a sixty-foot city easement adjacent to the property. This house isn’t void of many modern conveniences.
Today, Tulsans can be proud of the contribution made by the visionary artist and be appreciative that one mans creativity and inspiration for a home, fashioned a treasure for our entire city. For a complete property details go to
Friday, August 24, 2007
Backpacks for Kids!

Tulsa Realtors send over 500 kids back to school with new backpacks and school supplies this year. The largest number of backpacks donate in one year so far! The giving attitude of Tulsa area Realtors made going back-to-school for many children a fun experience with the simple gift of something new. Family and Children's Services made sure the children who received the back packs were those who needed them. The backpacks included clothing and school supplies and are intended to give at-risk children a positive start to their school year and encourage interest and participation in school rather than a poor and lacking self-image among other students who begin school fully equipped with supplies.
The event is sponsored by the Greater Tulsa Association of Realtors. Food was provided by CiCi's Pizza, Chik-Fil-A, and Blue Bell Ice Cream. the event was held at The Tulsa Home Builder's Association.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Grace Church Supports Happy Hands School
Oklahoma Kids Day at Grace Church – Saturday, September 22, from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m.
This fundraiser for Happy Hands is dedicated to children's health, safety, and environmental awareness. We will have a booth and there will be other booths and fun activities for families to enjoy. This event is sponsored by Hunt's Spinal Care and Dr. Hunt's staff would like for Happy Hands to help provide volunteers to set up, work the event, and help with clean up. There are three shifts available to work and we have committed to provide 10 to 12 volunteers. If you would be willing to commit to work an hour or two at this event, we would appreciate it. Please contact me and I can give you specific times. Fliers will be made available to us by the first of September, so more information will be available then.
School for Hearing Impaired Children Raises $3000
Dr. Brandy Vowell, Audiologist "Swing Into Action"
Last week, Dr. Vowell had a live remote, at her new office, and she gave Happy Hands the opportunity to share in this pre-PGA event. Jan did an awesome job talking live on 97.1 and we heard that she made the evening news as well. Dr. Vowell had a silent auction and raffled off some sports memorabilia that she collected. She raised $3,000 for Happy Hands and it was an exciting event to participate in!
Happy Hands is an early learning center for hearing impaired children.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Tulsa Cracks Down on Signs
As a resident of Tulsa you can help the problem by complaining or making your opinion heard when talking to real estate agents who post too many signs in your neighborhood or when you see abuse while you are looking at homes. Public pressure helps our city stay clean.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Mitt Romeny Visits Tulsa
The election is a distance away but it becomes more interesting to watch when you become involved with cadidates to better understand the issues at hand. On a personal level, I encourage everyone to listen, ask questions and apply logic to the arguments presented. Casting an educated vote is an important part of the future of our great country.
Darry Baskin, pictured to the left of Romney, is a real estate broker for McGraw Realtors in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Built in 1939 just on the out skirts of what was then the city limits was the city’s trash incinerator. For about $50,000 the building was constructed with 6" and 17” brick walls and if examined it would unveil bricks stamps from factories all over North America and Mexico. As the city grew to new size, the city limits were reestablished. Ordinances prohibiting trash disposal within the city limits was cause for the incinerator to be relocated. The abandoned structure remained filled with ashes for years.
While scouting for a separate project, renowned wood turner, Ron Fleming discovered the building. Much in the same way Pablo Picasso famously transformed bike handles into horns for his work The Bull, the native Oklahoman’s vision of a smoke stacked spiraled into a four-story lookout tower. Literally digging into this passion, shovel by shovel, Ron and his family reinvented a city’s forgotten incinerator into a conceptual piece of art.
Designed for a private home and studio workshop for him and wife Carolyn the house is as unique and personal as their artwork. Just behind the two, 8’ hand carved arched walnut doors that stand salute at entrance is a two-story atrium, which is the focal point of the house. Meandering walls showcasing works of art lead you through the distinctive floor plan and open to an east sunroom and observation deck. Gardens abundant with wildlife make good use of a sixty-foot city easement adjacent to the property. This house isn’t void of many modern conveniences.
Today, Tulsans can be proud of the contribution made by the visionary artist and be appreciative that one mans creativity and inspiration for a home, fashioned a treasure for our entire city.
For more information about this property or other unique tulsa luxury homes visit
Monday, May 7, 2007
Taking It To The Streets
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Tulsa on the Right Track?
Have the years of Tulsa's reputation as a difficult and unfriendly city for builders and developers come to an end? Perhaps a change is in the air. Don Himelfarb, Tulsa's first Director of Economic and Real Estate Development, speaks frankly about the changes needed for the City of Tulsa to progress in the areas of economy and development. On May 3rd, The City presented "Developing Tulsa," a program geared towards building better relationships with the building and development community. Presentations included the state of Tulsa's development, Tulsa's first revision to the Strategic Plan in over 25 years, Historic Preservation zoning and The National Registry of Historic Places, infill building, and perhaps the most important of all, a new permitting process touted to make permitting a streamlined and friendly procedure for builders and developers. Talk is cheap but if the organization and intentions of the City of Tulsa are as genuine as what was presented in today's meeting, Tulsa's reputation will be changing soon and the citizens of Tulsa will enjoy the results of a prosperous and organized city.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Tulsa’s Luxury Presented to Worldwide Audience
Tulsa will be represented at the Spring Conference for Who’s Who in Luxury Real Estate in Key Biscayne Florida. Tulsa’s representative for the organization, Darryl Baskin of McGraw Realtors says the event will draw two hundred of the world’s most esteemed real estate brokers for business development and networking. is the world’s leading web site for luxury properties and is the web portal for the Who’s Who group.
“Representing Tulsa in a distinguished group like this is a real honor” Baskin says. “Not only do we have a cultured city worthy of attention, our prices for comparable luxury make people look twice at what we have to offer.” Baskin notes his last conference in Chicago was an opportunity to discuss the merits Tulsa has for business opportunities and investment. “Most luxury home buyers have a strong business interest. This means appealing to the luxury buyer as a viable location for a home can have ancillary benefits such as business relocation. It is common to have the opportunity to present a scenario to prospects that operating a business in Tulsa at a lower operating costs and owning a luxury home in Tulsa still affords the opportunity to own other luxury properties for second homes and vacations in other parts of the world because our housing costs are so reasonable.”
This is no new idea. Baskin notes that while selling the Skelly Mansion some years ago and studying the history of the home, he was impressed by the persistence of Mr. Skelly to show Tulsa’s attractiveness to the world. Mr. Skelly traveled the world as a delegate for the city often not in any official capacity. He even added onto his home in order to bring large groups to town and entertain them. He understood the importance of his guests leaving to say good things about Tulsa.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
THIS SUNDAY, after church services, make your plans to attend the 59th Yom Ha'atzmaut - Independence Day of Israel! It will be held at the Zarrow Campus on 71st street just west of Lewis...
2021 E. 71st. 495-1100, from Noon until 5:00 PM.
PLEASE TRY TO ATTEND AND SUPPORT ISRAEL, while being blessed and a blessing! Admission is free.
Many crafts and exhibits. Ride the camel, eat delicious Israeli food, shop the Israel 'shuk', expand your mind with information about Israel. The traditional foods are awesome and they sell out fast! This will be the first year in many that Jennifer and I are not playing Abraham & Sarah in the Bedouin tent!!!
Music from the New York based Israeli troupe "Seeds of Sun" performing traditional and modern Israeli music.
Local talent performing klezner and a range of other Jewish music.
Also if you wish to help out, there will be a blood drive from 1:00 - 4:00.